Therapy Rates: as of 01/01/2024
Individual Therapy
DBT Foundational Associate Therapist
Standard Rate: $150
Intake Rate: $250
Couple/Family: $175
DBT Foundational Licensed Therapist
Standard Rate: $250 to $300
Intake Rate: $250
Couple/Family: $300 to $350
DBT Certified Licensed Therapist
Standard Rate: $450
Intake Rate: $250
Couple/Family: $550
DBT Skills Group
Standard Rate: $105
Initial Group Orientation: $150
Advanced Skills Group: $95
Multi-Family Group (1 parent + 1 child): $150
Parenting Group (9-Week Bootcamp): $105 (1 parent) or $150 (2 parents)
Other Appointments
If you are seeing a therapist outside of Guidepost, a case coordination meeting may be needed in order to develop a holistic treatment plan and clinical recommendations.
If you are interested in joining a Skills Group with Guidepost, and you have an external therapist, a case coordination meeting between your group leader and current therapist is mandatory.
The cost of these sessions is billed at the standard rate of your Guidepost therapist, prorated for a 30-minute consultation.